Have you been experiencing TMJ Dysfunction?

TMJ disorders refer to a group of conditions that affect the temporomandibular joints. These are the joints that connect your jawbone to your skull. These joints are important for functions like chewing, speaking, and swallowing. When they are not functioning properly, it can lead to jaw pain, difficulty opening or closing your mouth, clicking or popping, locking as well as possible neck and shoulder pain. You may even experience ear pain.

Living with TMJ disorders can be a real struggle and constantly trying to manage the discomfort can be very frustrating. Your issues may have started after a car accident or have simply gotten worse over the years. If you have tried everything and have had little relief, you are in the right place.

Did you know that many of the muscles involved in TMJ issues are innervated by cranial nerves? These cranial nerves reside in your brainstem. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care seeks to relieve pressure to your nervous system at the level of the brainstem and thereby help you regain function.

The root cause of your symptoms may stem from an issue of alignment in your Upper Cervical Spine. And, that is our job as Chiropractors - to assess and determine if there is an issue of alignment in your spine and then correct it with a precise adjustment. Learn more about Upper Cervical Chiropractic.