Chiropractic Benefits
During Pregnancy
Pregnancy sees a woman through many physical changes over a short period of time. Chiropractic care can help a woman feel better and have a healthier pregnancy. Maintaining the proper motion, and integrity of your pelvis during pregnancy is very important. Chiropractic care can help with this. Under care you may also experience less discomfort and stress and increased vitality.
Webster Certified: Webster’s Technique is a specialized Chiropractic technique that addresses the bones, muscles and ligaments of the pelvis to help mom achieve better alignment and more ease during pregnancy which may also allow for a safer and easier birth. Learn more about Webster Technique here.
Ladies, I’m going to be honest here. Pregnancy for many women is really challenging. My pregnancy was challenging too. Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in the body, and sometimes for me it felt like it was hard to keep up with all the change and because of this, I needed to be adjusted far more often than I otherwise would normally be. I got adjusted twice a week with Webster technique through my entire pregnancy and of course upper cervical to keep my brainstem happy - and this made a world of a difference for me. It is my belief that you deserve to feel as good as possible during your pregnancy, and I have also found in working with pregnant women for years, most require a lot of extra self-care including chiropractic adjustments to achieve this more optimal state.
Birth is unpredictable, however I still firmly believe that you can set yourself up for an easier birth and post partum by investing in yourself during your pregnancy. This is where Webster Technique can play a big part! Along with proper nutrition and excellent prenatal and birth support, it is my sincere hope that you will have an easy and empowered pregnancy and birth experience.
~~~ Dr. Andrea